Dose of Sunshine Monday — Joy comes in the morning!

This weekend I was reminded that there is always an end to suffering. A season and a time for everything. And I was reminded to stand strong until additional inspiration comes! I love that thought…and I love that there is inspiration around us everywhere! (we have only to open our eyes to see it).

My chosen words for this year are wrapped up in this idea: (“Inspired and Inspiring”). Do you have a word for the year…a word to direct and help you throughout the good times and bad?

So my Sunshine today is two-fold: First, my words for the year, which are “Inspired and Inspiring” to remind me to find something every day to be inspired by. Also to remind me to try to be inspiring to someone else.


And second, a reminder that there will be an end to trials. And when doubt and difficulty come, we should not be afraid to ask for help. All things are possible to those that believe. JOY comes in the morning!


I hope you have an (inspired and) inspiring day!


Sunshine In My Pocket

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